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PB Community Impact Fund (PBCIF) is a firm whose mission is to provide specialized financing in support of economic vitality and job growth in underserved areas across Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Arkansas through the allocation of New Markets Tax Credits. As a company certified by the U.S. Treasury as a Community Development Entity, PBCIF has received $185 million in New Markets Tax Credits allocation.
PBCIF NMTC Allocation
Total Project Costs
Jobs Created & Retained

With a focus on industrial, manufacturing, mixed-use, healthy food, and community facilities, PBCIF provides financing for qualified borrowers by offering flexible terms that provide below market financing opportunities for businesses located in low-income areas. The ultimate goal of PBCIF is to maximize the impact of its New Markets Tax Credit allocations to facilitate meaningful change and economic growth opportunities for the underserved communities in our service area.
“The New Markets Tax Credit program is a valuable tool to stimulate private investment in our underserved smaller cities and rural communities. PB Community Impact Fund is a rural company, so we understand that investments like this are hard to come by in rural communities. We are excited to work with the CDFI Fund and local investors to support our small business and community recovery,” said, Dennis Ammann, President, PB Community Impact Fund.

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